Posts in Dessert
Good Gut Gummies

I'm here to help you with some good gut treats! My good gut gummies are rich in gelatine to help support a strong gut lining. When our gut lining is compromised it often results in food sensitivities.... which i'm certain you don't want! Find my creamsicle gummy recipe here.

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PSL - Dandy Blend Edition

Where are my basic girls at?! Are you having pumpkin everything? If you haven’t had pumpkin anything yet…. try this cozy dairy free drink! (if you don’t like dandy blend or don’t have it on hand I have a substitute!) It not only is delicious, it is also great for your gut! Cheers to a good gut!

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"Regular" Gluten Free Pancakes

These gluten free pancakes take the cake for keeping you regular as they contain a good amount of flaxseed! Insoluble fiber (such as flax seed) will help you GO! Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water + is left intact through the digestion process. It can help to speed up the passage of food through the stomach + intestine. It also adds bulk to the stool + can help relieve constipation.

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Gluten Free Vanillekipferl (Austrian Vanilla Crescent Cookies)

My Grandpa was from Austria. I learned from his life history that he used to eat Vanillekipferls with my Grandma and Great Uncle. I adapted my Grandma’s recipe to make them gluten free and was thrilled with how they turned out.

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Gluten Free Chocolate Flourless Cake

I’m not a cake fan….but this! We obviously couldn’t get enough of it…4 of us polished this bad boy off in one night! (more like 1 hour) It's slightly gooey, bittersweet and super rich - almost like an undercooked brownie.

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Hot Crossed Muffins

I don’t know about you - but i’m one of those people who forgets to add something in a recipe like almost EVERY time! I had scooped all the muffin batter into the muffin liners and was ready to pop them in the oven….and realized I had forgotten to add the RAISINS! You can’t have hot crossed anything with out the raisins!

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