Gluten Free Fried Chicken

gluten free cooking. elimination diet meal

If you are a fan of crispy chicken skin… then this will be your thang. ESPECIALLY because it is SO quick.

bonus: they are gluten free & elimination diet friendly.


It gets better…. chicken thighs aren’t as bad as people claimed they were when low fat diets were all the rage. Not only do chicken thighs taste better and have more moisture, they are GREAT for our gut! The darkness indicates that it contains more iron, they are inexpensive AND they contains higher amounts of saturated… which are in fact good for us!

Fat is essential to help keep us regular, as well as a key aspect in balancing our blood sugar. Fat is digested more slowly than carbohydrates and protein to promote satiety which plays a role in fighting off cravings. If we aren’t eating balanced meals (with enough healthy fat) we are likely to eat more frequently throughout the day which can put stress on our gut and digestive system.

The skin of the chicken contains valuable nutrients, many which are the same as in the meat but a greater concentration of some fat soluble vitamins like the retinol form of Vitamin A (meaning it comes from animal sources.) Vitamin A helps support the integrity of the gut lining. This can help reduce the risk of a leaky gut which is a cause of food sensitivities. The chicken skin also high in collagen which is also known to support a healthy gut lining, have anti- inflammatory and anti- stress properties.

Inflammation in the gut  can be caused by a poor diet, stress, toxins or unknown food sensitivities which can lead to increased “leaking” of certain proteins from undigested foods out into the body through the gut lining. This can increase the likelihood of symptoms like gas, bloating, migraines, additional food sensitivities etc. Diets that contain saturated fats + monounsaturated fats can support the reduction of inflammation — so eat your chicken with the skin on ;)

My advice:

Look for healthy fats like: meat with the skin on, avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, eggs, wild caught salmon, animal fats (butter, ghee)

Fats to avoid: vegetable oil, canola oil, margarine, shortening


gluten free dinner. gluten free fried chicken. gluten free meal. elimination diet chicken.

I like to buy my chicken thighs from Costco and separate them into bags to freeze. It makes it easy if you are just cooking for 1-2 people. (This is why I didn’t add the amounts of chicken in the ingredients because you can fry up as many as you want, the only extra thing you need is seasoning, which is to taste.)

Gluten Free Fried Chicken

xo erin


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splatter screen. friend chicken.

This is the splatter screen I like to use from Bed Bath and Beyond. I love that the handle is foldable.

chicken thighs. keto chicken. high fat meal.

These are the chicken thighs I love to get from Costco. I pack them into smaller freezer bags so they are easy to grab when needed.

** It’s best to buy grass fed, but that isn’t always in the budget around here.

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